Social Media - Internship

Truffle PR

Truffle PR is looking for an able graduate with interests in communications to undertake a month-long social media internship with a view to extending the opportunity to a permanent contract. We are seeking someone with genuine enthusiasm and a good understanding for social media and creative online campaigns. Even more importantly than this they need to have bag loads of common sense, ability to use their initiative and generally be a lovely person to work with…and

At Truffle we manage communications campaigns for clients that mainly sit within the restaurant, food and drink sector although we do look after clients in other lifestyle sectors too. Our approach involves PR, marketing and Social Media: we recognise, appreciate and embrace the increasing movement towards digital media – and this is why we are creating this position!

The job role:
The job role covers all things Social Media. Generally you will be responsible for monitoring all client Twitter and Facebook feeds to grow and maintain conversations with followers, always seeking to convert them into customers and online ambassadors. The role will also require you to create basic online campaigns and competitions with an analytics report to be produced upon completion of each campaign.

  • General monitoring of15-20 social media accounts: immediate response to comments and messages sent by fans/followers is very important: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr
  • Day-to-day scheduling in relevant updates on the social media platforms of some of the smaller clients – mainly on Twitter and Facebook
  • Scheduling in posts to go out from all accounts throughout the day (around 10 standard tweets per day per account including weekends)
  • Targeting individuals online and approaching them with relevant messages (the odd sales-driven messages but not too many; general conversations are much more effective in terms of creating ambassadors and not just one-off fast sells): use geo-location software for venue-based clients and key word searches for all
  • Putting together analytics reports to monitor progress: follower increases/declines, sales/ambassador conversions, sentiment, comparative progress between clients and their competitors
  • Update Twitter lists
  • Clearly labelled spreadsheets for example with media lists and contact databases
  • Meet targets and deadlines

We might ask you to help with some other non-social media related tasks.

Other responsibilities may include:
  • Scanning coverage from newspapers on a daily basis
  • Updating media lists
  • Assisting at events
  • Brainstorming ideas with the team for pitches and proposals
  • Assisting with putting together presentations

Qualities, Skills and interests:
We are looking for someone with a fun and friendly personality, someone who isn’t scared to communicate their ideas – as crazy as they may be (we quite like that) – and perhaps a streak of mischief…

You need to be driven and ambitious with an ability to work with the team as well as independently: we may not have the time to constantly check your work so we need to know that we can leave you to “make it happen” and “get stuff done” – if you are labeled as doing these, you’ll have a good start!

  • Lots of initiative
  • Graphic design is not essential but the ability to use Photoshop on a basic level is always considered a good skills to have
  • Video editing skills, again not essential but considered a bonus
  • We are looking for someone who is committed to delivering results and is looking to really prove themselves
  • An obvious passion for working in the media industry is a MUST
  • Strong writing skills; consider the different audience demographics and what kind of tone and content is most interesting relevant to them. Be aware of which publications can be quoted or linked to from different accounts. We can’t afford to make silly spelling mistakes etc for our clients!
  • Have an interest in lifestyle, consumer, restaurant, food and drink and fashion sectors
  • Take a considerate approach to all activity. We want to see those cogs ticking so feel free to think about the bigger picture and make suggestions on how we can do things better internally and/or for clients
  • Well presented
  • A growing recognition of key contacts relevant to our clients
  • Use initiative and be aware of wider needs
  • Speedy
  • Sense of humour!

Please send a short cover letter and CV to Ellie: - and don’t forget to tell us something interesting about yourself and a little visual ‘something’ that makes us smile!

Every day I’m Truffling…

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